Friday, November 22, 2013

New Total Gym Product

While I have been away from exercising lately Total Gym, (which I hope to enjoy in the near future, but am still too chicken to ask my cardiologist), has come out with a new product.

Total Gym’s New FIT Gym

I feel I own my Total Gym a lot of credit for the feeling well-being I got using it. You can still get that model at Total Gym, which looks like this one here, for much less!
You can browse that using this Purchase a Total Gym® XLS today link!
Meanwhile, this Total Gym blog has this excellent video showing their new product line!

What Comes With the FIT Total Gym

This new one apparently comes with things I would have had to pay extra for, but the sales person arranged a package deal anyway. I am not complaining.

It comes with the one product I got the most out of with the least amount of effort each week:
  • The Ab Crunch accessory! 

I believe I looked a lot better, but I felt so much better, and I lost a reoccurring backache too!

It also comes with:
  • The up graded Squat Stand! I used mine a lot, but the older one is squeaky, yet good!
  • A Two-Piece Wing attachment, for wider range of motion, 
  • And their Leg Pull Accessory with detachable Bracket 

I have no experience with the latter two accessories, YET!

Just letting you know, and perhaps trying to get up the nerve to ask my cardiologist about when I can resume…

Hope you have an excellent weekend!


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A Brief Update of sorts…

Well as it turns out I had the afore-mentioned heart surgery within days of my last post here.

While I was recovering well, with a few possibly nerve damage, but getting better, whatever it is.

Still I had not felt quite myself until about the beginning of November.

Almost immediately I began to at least resume walking an hour 3 times a week.

This just as immediately got shelved as I also had plenty of other things, like work, to catch up after all that time off.

I saw my cardiologist last week and it did not seem to be the right time to ask if I could resume more than just round the house regular activities yet…
Presumably, I will resume at least walking in the near future, once I am better caught up at work.

Even so, I hope to find some sort of fitness regime I can fit in, as I feel I am getting a bit pudgy…

Hope you are having a better year!
