Wednesday, January 19, 2011

40% Off Amazon’s Best Selling Fitness Equipment

Found Size Chart for Reebok Easy Tone T shirts

I guess Amazon, who I normally buy books from, noticed I was searching Zumba and Reebok there and sent me a link to their Exercise Equipment sale!

40% Off Amazon's Best Selling Exercise Equipment!

You will find Zumba, rowers, (always wanted a fly wheel rower, but whenever I look they seem to cost a fortune), elliptical trainers, exercise bikes, weights, and so on…and under Fitness Clothing I found

With a size chart next to it!
Plus, three reviews!

They currently have this shirt in sizes small to extra large in this pink that Reebok calls magenta color, black and a medium blue. You can see this T shirt’s v-neckline with camisole inset detailing best in its blue color.

True, they have if for, currently 1 cent less than Reebok, whose link is to your right, and often runs discount, usually on Fridays for the weekends.

Currently Reebok and Amazon have three each reviews of these shirts.
Here is the upshot of these:
  • Really tight, but fits full busted, (wears a DD cup size)
  • Makes one want to workout to handle bulges made more visible in this shirt
  • Another says way too tight
  • Makes her posture conscious, which would do anybody good!
  • Hard to workout in
  • Wear around the house and on errands
  • You will feel sore muscles, so this shirt will make your muscles work more!

Additionally, one woman, Amazon review, says her Reebok shoes completely toned her body!

I thought the idea was not to wear the Easy Tone for working out, but as a way of working out while you go about your other business. I guess it is a matter of perspective.

Reebok still does not have a size chart, not right by the shirt anyway. The Amazon size chart might not be specifically for Reebok either, but at least it is a gauge of some sort.

As I sit here, next to my ab lounger, which I am sure would do me good, yet have not gotten around to using for months..

I know it might be best, for me, to fit trying these shirts, maybe later pants and shoes, into my Fitness régime.

One must get dressed.
So if fitting in some extra measure of fitness is easily made more possible by simply getting dressed,
I am going for it!

Update: Reneging on my previous statement about putting the link to ‘Reebok Easy Tone apparel at eBay stores’ in this pages right column, (post of 12/14/10). I will keep trying it. If it starts to show results, then I will put it there.