Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A Brief Update of sorts…

Well as it turns out I had the afore-mentioned heart surgery within days of my last post here.

While I was recovering well, with a few possibly nerve damage, but getting better, whatever it is.

Still I had not felt quite myself until about the beginning of November.

Almost immediately I began to at least resume walking an hour 3 times a week.

This just as immediately got shelved as I also had plenty of other things, like work, to catch up after all that time off.

I saw my cardiologist last week and it did not seem to be the right time to ask if I could resume more than just round the house regular activities yet…
Presumably, I will resume at least walking in the near future, once I am better caught up at work.

Even so, I hope to find some sort of fitness regime I can fit in, as I feel I am getting a bit pudgy…

Hope you are having a better year!



  1. I also walk for exercise about 5 miles according to FitBit and track my diet with LoseIt. They work with each other. Connect to Walgreen's rewards card for points.

    1. Really, points for walking?
      What are they redeemable for?
